Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why Wednesday??

Ok every Wednesday is going to start being Why wednesday? It is going to be where I prose a question and try to make sense of it. I would love for some input from anyone as well. My question today is Why does society place so much emphasis on the way we look? I ask this question because,I was in a local drug store the other day to pick up pictures, I had my toddler with me. My toddler is going to be 2 in june. My toddler is big for her age and somewhat chubby. Honestly just the way I like my toddlers at my house. The clerk who was checking me out looked over at my cart, where my toddler sat and said "Oh my you got a big bundle in there!!" ha ha.... and then proceded to say " how big of a girl she was but how cute she was and how she wasn't missing any meals." I did not get upset because I know the lady was just making convo and she thought that my daughter was cute. But in the back of my mind I was screaming you are an idiot... Who cares how big or little a 2 year old is. who cares if your the skinniest person in the world it does not make you any better than anyone else. I try to teach my children to look at a person as a whole not by the way they look. I think it is ridiculous still that such emphasis is placed on your body type. Just because I am overweight it does not make me any less of a person. I am a good mother a good wife and I have held succesful careers. Why is the first thing people comment on is how good you look? I have found with experience that people that are superficial and only care about appearance most often are the people who are the most lonely and not so put together. I think people who judge by apperance are really missing out on some great people. Their loss!! I will leave you with this the pic of my chubby toddler. :)

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is very fair complected. A person recently walked up and said to us "Wow, your daughter is so white! Do you keep her locked in the basement?" UM, it's called SUNSCREEN, you idiot! We don't let her BURN. People are stupid and I agree with you. But I'm chubby too - LOL! Your daughter is perfect.
