I have three children with very different personalities. My son 10 is all about trains, google maps and his favorite T.V. show. My middle daughter 4 is all about Barbie, fairies and fashion and looking good!!, my youngest daughter 2 is all about eating... and following in her sisters foot steps oh and the queen of getting into things. When I had my son and was a new mother here is how it rolled... My sons clothes were immaculate because any time he spit up or drooled or got anything on one of his Gap, Old Navy, Gymboree outfits, it was immediately taken off and soaked and replaced with a similar name brand outfit. He was not allowed to have candy or chocolate, I followed every guideline in feeding baby food. Followed nap schedules and made every well baby visit and got every shot listed... Guess what.. my perfect world came crashing down.. when my gap fitted baby didn't make milestones and was diagnosed with autism... Move on to baby number 2... OK we got baby number one finally talking at the age of four.. so you know what baby number 2, got fudged on guidelines a bit.. she did not have all name brand clothes because.. Mom quite her full time job to be a stay at home mom so she could be with her autistic child to help him with all the therapy appointments.. Baby number 2 was a miracle and such a diva performing at the age of 12 months walking at 10 months and TALKING non stop and still does talk non stop. Baby three comes along it is all over for her... no guidelines I do what I feel is best for her... NO name brand clothes.. Walmart here we come!!! The reason I am telling you all this is because I take my youngest daughter to story hour one day a week at the local library while my other daughter is in preschool. I was recently amazed at the difference in newer parents and older parents. Newer parents Have that energy that us older parents don't always have. And by energy I almost mean Ridiculousness!!! They follow their children around and name every book in the library, they teach their children a bilingual language and in return expect their children to answer back.. yes their is a parent that actually does this.. my daughter and I look at this family utterly confused the majority of the time because we have no clue what they are saying it goes back and forth between English and Spanish.. and I do not think that this family is even of Spanish heritage. ..just want a second language. not that there is anything wrong with this just confusing.... These newer parents try to teach concepts way over their kids head... WOW.. I don't know whether I should feel like an inadequate parent because I am just happy we made it into the library without my two year old running the opposite direction into traffic. I feel as I am a veteran parent I am more relaxed but yet lack on energy. I know that it is more important for my child and me to have time together for her to be with other children. I know that they will not be young forever. I am not by any means making fun of or saying these parents are wrong. I just was there once and it is funny how much changes as you get older and wiser. I know I have lots more to learn. We will get there one step at a time...
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